About Melissa Nicole

“Melissa Nicole” is a pseudonym for Melissa Haag and Nicolette Pierce, an amazing writing duo that met by chance in Wisconsin and discovered they’re almost neighbors.  After discovering Nicole could keep up with Melissa’s derailed thought conversation without needing a nap, Melissa quickly convinced Nicole they needed to coauthor a book together.

Due to Melissa’s forgetfulness, it’s taken a while. 

Or stay up to date by signing up for her newsletter!

Random “This or That” facts about the pair:

(This or That) Melissa Nicole
Sweet or Salty Sweet Sweet…salty…both!
Rain or Snow Fuck snow Rain
Comedy or drama Comedy Comedy
Cake or Pie Cookies! Pie
Hug or fist bump (I’m Olaf!) Fist bump
Swimsuit or sweater Swimsuit Swimsuit
Ebook or print Ebook Print
Tent or hotel Hotel! Hotel
Vanilla or chocolate Chocolate Chocolate

(Want more random facts?  Be sure to sign up for the Melissa Nicole newsletter.  Each monthly email contains another fact.) 

Melissa Nicole signing events: 

See Melissa and Nicole in person and get your books signed!

Writers on the River, Peoria IL (July 19, 2025)
Lucky in Lombard, Lombard IL (April 26, 2025)

Have questions? Contact us!

When is the next book coming out?

Stay up to date with our current projects by following us on Facebook or signing up for our newsletter.

Will the books come to audio?

Many authors fund the productions of audiobooks themselves. The cost-prohibitive venture has slow returns with the author typically earning 40% or less of the retail price. So, the production schedule depends on the popularity of the series and how quickly the previous books earn back their production costs.

Where can I purchase signed print copies of your books?

Send us an email and we’ll see what we can do!

What are Melissa Nicole’s other pseudonyms?

Melissa writes under Melissa Haag, MJ Haag, and Sage Alder.

Nicole writes under Nicolette Pierce, Sophia Paisley, and Nicky Graves.

I found a typo.  Do you want to know about it?

If you find a mistake in any of our books, please feel free to contact us with the book’s version# (found on the copyright page) and the error(s).  We’re happy to make corrections and apologize for anything we and our team missed.

Have a question we didn’t answer?  Use the form above to contact us.